Sunday, October 7, 2012

So now that we're back we've had time
 to sort through the pictures and post some of the best ones.  

Crown of thorns sea star in Thailand.

Mango Bay on Ko Tao.  That dark spot is a school of sardines.  

Enter Malaysia

A menu in Kuala Lumpur.  

This is a picture of a picture of course, but we did see quite a few flying squirrels fly, or glide in Sabah Borneo.  

Average tree in Sepilok.  

A big leaf, Sepilok.

This was kind of an awkward moment.  This lady just stared at us for a while and didn't say anything.  We finally walked away and she seemed really disappointed, but she still just sat there looking at us.

Uncle Tan's on the Kinabatangan River in Sabah.  

Fruit Bat at Uncle Tan's.   The night hikes were really fun, lots of animals.  

The birds were asleep, and even if they woke up they didn't fly because they couldn't see.   I really wanted to hold one, but it was frowned upon.  

 Danum Valley.  
 Yes, it was very scary


 We found this guy on a hike through Danum Valley.  

 The men's barracks at Danum Valley.   Amy could visit the porch, but she wasn't allowed in.  

Leech Socks

Uncle Chang's on Mabul.  

On Mabul we usually went for a snorkel in the evenings, then I played football with the locals and a group of Europeans.  Guess which guy is French in this picture.  

Lots of fish off Sipidan.  

 Diving around Sipidan Island, near Mabul island, Maylaysia.

Bumpnose Parrotfish


 Sipidan Island

Sunday, September 9, 2012

We're back. 

Well, physically at least. 

We're slowly adjusting to the strange normalcy of life here the past few weeks. There's so many white people! And they speak English. And there's toilet paper. And people get mad at us when we try to haggle....? And everything is expensive. And it's cold.

But, our life here is good. Check back in a week for a last installment of pics, folks. We're sorting thousands. It's been lovely sharing this with you all.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We've emerged from the jungles and ocean depths of Borneo to the crazyness of Bangkok. Borneo was a won't believe what we've seen...

Sepilok Orang utan Rehabilitation Center - our first encounter with these 'forest people.' Their name really conveys their gentle wisended countenance.

We saw a few scorpions in Borneo, this was one of the smaller ones.  Our guide picked it up, we didn't. 

 The orangutan rehabilitation center. Tons of wild monkeys (Macaques) swoop down and eat the leftovers. We were highly entertained with their antics for a good hour or so.

Close encounters at the rehab center, then later on we spotted a few more in the wild. Amazing beings.

A very big tree in Danum Valley

Plenty of leeches, as promised. Beautiful in photos, really, but a terror under your clothes...

Morning mist over Danum Valley, the oldest and most diverse forest in the world. Incredible. We were privy to stay at the Danum Valley Research Center for 2 amazing days in this forest. They went much to fast, and we vow to go back one day...

It's frustrating that I can't turn this picture, but this blog program is very simple and we're always on a time crunch in the internet cafe. 

 Big leaves and lizards... Danum Valley is full of all kinds of snakes too, including king cobras and reticulated pythons, but I couldn't find any. 

Our last Borneo stop, Mabul Island, our gateway to the diving paradise of Sipadan. This is where we stayed, you could see the sea through the floorboards and fall asleep to the lapping water below.

Found some 'Nemo' anenome fish

Diving at Sipadan surrounded by barracuda, our favorite thing.

The fish don't stay very still.   It took me a long time to get this picture.   Most of the beautiful fish don't like the camera. 

Yes Scott that is a banded sea krait coming up for some air.   Unfortunatly up is to the right in this picture.