Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hello friends! Here's a tiny lil teaser of some great underwater photos that will be coming up soon. Love swimming through big schools of fish.  We are still on the lil tropical island of Koh Tao in the gulf of Thailand. We are staying at a dreamy place that is tucked upon a hillside overlooking a gorgeous bay. We simply walk down a million stairs to get to the beautiful waters that are excellent for snorkeling. Check out the pics on the bottom of the webpage for a look at where we sleep And yes, that view is from our personal balcony =). Despite the beauty and fun, Thailand has given us some difficulties as well. Small daily things are harder here than we've experienced in our travel before. We finally just got our clothes back after submitting them for laundry 2 days ago! Also, few people speak English to any clarifying degree, even people we're renting rooms from, so that makes small things difficult to accomplish. But so are the realities of travel, so we persevere, learning more about the ways of this place as we go. Below are the 2 massive gecko's that are chilling on our ceiling as we speak. Very cool except that the nasty little present they dropped on our bedsheets alerted me to their presence above! Hopefully we will get a clean sheet before 2 days time...

Diving was really fun, we both fell in love as we knew we would. Our American instructor was awesome as was the American couple who live in Kathmandu,Nepal we did our course with. We went on to do our advanced course which allows us to go to 30m depth and night dive! On our night dive we saw an octopus changing colors as it tried to get away from our lights. We've also seen a lot of eels, blue spotted stingrays, pufferfish and sooooo many beautiful fish and corals. Wondrous.

From here? We know we're spending 2 more nights at our current place then....??? Probably a little more time on Koh Tao doing dives and such then to the bigger island of Koh Samui for some more adventures and for Patrick to pick up his snazzy tailor-made suit. At some point we'll figure out how to get to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to begin our Borneo adventure. 

Hope summer is treating you all well.

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